Diaries 2005

It was a good beginning day, first of all the hotel, we stay, is beautiful and our rooms are also good enough. We mingled with each other in a short time. Lectures were really useful. I am so glad to have a chance to listen Murat Belge and Sevan Nişanyan. We really discussed the topic that I wanted to learn. To be all the time together gives chance to listen everyone’s story and this is the way we can understand each other.

I am really happy to be part of the this summer school. It started really good and I hope it will end like this! Thank you!

Yesterday it was a hard working day for me because I was in newspaper team and I wanted to write something good. Because this writing would be the beginner topic, so I am not actually good at writing but I hope I did something good. I haven’t got newspaper yet, but I am curious about it.

Actually days are passing so fast that I can’t remember even but on Friday. We had a lesson full of intelligency because Murat Belge and Kentel were giving lecture about globalization and I caught chance to ask questions, I was really satisfied. The rest was also good enough.

Yesterday was really full of fun actually. We went to Vakıflıköy and joined the ritual ceremony. I learnt a lot about armenian beliefs and we ate their special food after that we went swimming that was the best, because sea was beautiful beside being dirty on the beach side but I swam through far so it was clean and I had chance to take a small walk on the beach. Back way was also full of enjoy and fun, we song in the dinner, after dinner and on the road. When we arrived to hotel there was a wedding party and we joined them played a lot. I feel so tired today. But for me yesterday was the best.

Yesterday was full of fun for me because around 24:00 o’clock some of us went to the Luna Park and jumped up and down. Edgar was really funny, he was shouting and laughing as if he has never been to Luna Park. I was so happy because it is the best way to get rid of our stress! So anyway the lecture that Mr. Sinan gave was also interesting for me! Unfortunately these days are gone so fast and today is the last day but I see that we really have a brotherhood. I hope we can do it again some times later!

Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process is a programme implemented by a Consortium of eight civil society organisations from both countries with the financial assistance of the European Union under the Instrument for Stability

The overall objective of the programme is to promote civil society efforts towards the normalisation of relations between Turkey and Armenia and towards an open border by enhancing people-to-people contacts, expanding economic and business links, promoting cultural and educational activities and facilitating access to balanced information in both societies. 

The Consortium partners include Civilitas Foundation (CF), Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), Public Journalism Club (PJC), Regional Studies Center (RSC) from Armenia; and Anadolu Kültür, the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa), and Hrant Dink Foundation from Turkey.  The programme will include a series of activities such as media support, TV talk shows and citizen reporting to contribute to better mutual understanding.

The programme will also include travelling discussions; workshops and trainings for youth and teachers; exchange of artists, architects, and entrepreneurs; fellowship opportunities and travel support to enhance encounters and cooperation across the border. Research on business and economic opportunities; celebrity discussions about the past; and opinion exchanges of high-level former officials will also be a part of the programme. 

One of the main pillars of the Programme is inclusiveness – to engage and support new actors in the dialogue process. To this end, the Consortium created a Grant Scheme to invite individuals and civil society organisations from Armenia and Turkey - other than the Consortium members - to propose and implement their own project ideas, which will contribute to the overall objective of the Programme and multiply the shared outcomes. 

The results of all activities will be shared with the public through the trilingual website, which will serve as a networking tool featuring the overall picture of the past, current, and future developments in Armenia-Turkey dialogue initiatives. 

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.