Coming from Izmir and expectations...
As I said before, I’m from Izmir and I’m the only participant from Izmir. Therefore, I must fly lonely. It was the first time I fly. First, I flew to Istanbul, I was there at 12:00 but my next flight was at 14:15. I started waiting and at the time, I fly to Adana. And again waiting. When I see the bus that we came from Adana to here by it, I think that Antakya has the bus to Adana, but when I was in it, I didn’t want to believe it.
Now, I’m here and of course have so many expectations from this course. First, I have to say that I’m here to see the attitude of the Armenian youth to us. There is a meaningless confession between the states but I believe that there cannot be the problem between us as being youth of a new generation.
We started with the seminar of Sezin Oney yesterday. The issue which is held by Oney was about conflict and resolution. After that, we were with Murat Belge, and about Deconstructing History. It was hardly discussable. As a final, Sevan Nisanyan who is an Armenian living in Turkey, gave us a seminar about Antakya and demographic characteristics of this city. In the evening, I was going to have some drink with the Armenian and Turkish participants of the course. We returned back at midnight after that we were in Number 153.
We started Saturday with seminar of Ferhat Kentel, Nazan Maksudyan and Murat Belge. After that we were with Emel Kurma and she was telling about the civil society. We had dinner and wnt to Vakiflikoy which is the last Armenian village in Turkey.
On Sunday, we went to Vakiflikoy again. It was a special day for them. And now it was time to go to the beach. Sea was really so dirty. I miss my city! Therefore we went back to the swimming pool. Dinner was so funny. We sang songs in Turkish and Armenian. (badeerjan, hoy Nazan yare :) ) When we arrived to the hotel, we saw that there was a wedding, we joined it with our dances.
This is the last night and we are preparing a closing ceremony. Everyone is waiting for it. Yesterday was birthday of Isabella and Sinan. We had a secret party for them. Today we have a presentation which will include our group working. Therefore, when everyone went to the lunapark, I was working about my special presentation.